Look Again
March 1 - April 7, 2012
Opening Reception: Saturday, Mar 10, 2:00 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Michael Mut
The "synthetic cubist" works of Picasso are the inspiration for artist Michael Mut’s re-imaginings titled Look Again.
In 2006 Mut’s predominant artistic output consisted of collage’s constructed of photos, paintings, drawings, and other mixed media objects.
Focusing on Picasso’s experimentation with the “plastic volume” of the human form, Mut applies the same experimentation to Picasso’s art. Finding the plastic nature of Picasso’s work and adding a new layer of interpretational experimentation.
Look Again is both a mirror to humanity and an historic document on the creative journey. The artist seeks to find deeper levels of meaning in the world around him. Art is created, becomes part of the world around him and is looked at again for deeper meaning and new creative opportunities. One generation helping the next, the master guiding the student, the student honoring the master. The student discovering himself.
And then he looks again.